TANK 300  (1)
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Space Measurement

The Tank 300 is a compact suv with 5 doors and 5 seats. with 173 experiencers height-adjusting the front seats to their lowest, there was 1 fist and 3 fists of headroom, 2 fists of headroom in the back, and nearly 3 fists of legroom.


The Tank 300 is a domestic compact suv priced at 195,800-308,000 RMB. So what about the Tank 300? Is it worth buying? This suv is more expensive, but the overall performance is excellent, with strong power performance and off-road performance .

From the tank 300 pioneering product positioning, "intelligent" "luxury" "off-road" three major product attributes in one. It is the market performance of the Tank 300 that exceeds expectations, allowing Great Wall Motor to capture consumer demand, and then respond to the market expectations of the derivation of the Tank brand, making timely market judgment.

From the perspective of product positioning, the product attributes of Tank 300 have obvious differences with other products under the WEY brand, whether it is the Mocha and Macchiato built under the Café Smart Driving platform or the early VV series products, Tank 300 belongs to the "different class". Under the wings of the same WY brand, the difficulty of promoting two very different product lines at the same time can be imagined. The independence of the Tank brand is more conducive to the development of the Tank series, maximizing the advantages of product positioning. From the consumer's point of view, the independence of the tank brand will also increase the sense of belonging to the brand, attracting more consumers to become a real "tank player".

Observe the operation mode of the tank brand

The independence of the tank as a new brand has become a foregone conclusion, in addition to capturing the Great Wall Motor's determination to open up a new category of the market, it is more worthwhile to pay attention to the tank brand's mode of operation.

In the early stage of the establishment of the tank brand, the tank 300 will be the only product sold by the brand, and the limited release of products to limit the sales volume is also a common problem faced by new brands. But for the tank brand, will not be too concerned about the sales pressure, in addition to the tank 300's hot sales as a support, the Great Wall Motor's huge market volume will also dilute the tank brand in the early stage of the establishment of potential problems. At the same time, in the professional off-road platform - tank platform support, tank brand can also take advantage of the platform, quickly improve the product structure.

The channel construction of the tank brand is more worthy of attention. In the early stage of the independence of the tank brand, there is a "transition period" between the tank brand and the WEY brand. As a precise target market demand for new categories of brands, the tank brand sales, service network system construction is particularly important, if the sharing of existing WEY brand channels, will make the tank brand independent color is slightly insufficient. The construction of the tank brand management team needs to be followed up quickly, and specialists can ensure that the benefits of the tank brand independence are maximized.


Model: TANK 300
L-W-H (mm): 4760*1930*1903/4772*1970*1960
Drive Type: 4WD

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